Evil Patirxxx - Watch You All Day (Ft. Wolf God of Insanity)

Patrixxx becomes a rapper and we collaborated apparently.


''PATRIXXX enters Wolf God of Insanity's house.''


Yo Wolf God.


Yo Patrixxx mah man.


C'mon troll wit' me homie.


Aight man.
''PATRIXXX and WGI enter a lowrider and ride around the trollpasta universe.''


Now this is a story all about how
Patrixxx hooked up with me
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right down
I'll tell ya all about how this came to be.
Patrixxx was at home watchin yo
Realized he had to go
Went to da store for some weed
Thought it was all he did need
I was in da back fail rhymin
Patrixxx came in right at da end great timin.
And he said ...


Hey man I was gettin a blunt
When I saw ya rhymin from da front
Was pretty bad but could make cash
Yeah explain how 50 Cent did it
Den we can get you and me a nice stash.


Sounds good to me man
Cause I'm broke
Now my rap career has awoke
Soon we can smoke all da weed we can.


Sounds like a plan
Now let's get some hos
And go spray dem hippies off mah lawn with a hose.
Den we can start recordin
And for our raps people gonna pay
But first I'm gonna watch you all day.


Yeah man you can watch me all day
Any day.
Just not on payday
Cause we gonna be busy
Gettin high in troll city.


Man I'm sick of dem bitches
Who try to kill me in dem pastas
Dis shit's gotta stop
And all dem reject trolls are gonna be mah bitches.


Yeah I'll help wit dat
But first I gotta feed mah cat
Den we can go fuck em up
Den burn em up in mah backyard.


Shit man we got da admins on our asses
We should hide out in da Patrixxx cave
Til dis shit passes.


Naw man
Fuck dat
What we gonna do is
We gonna fight
But shit man da situation's tight
Dey got us surrounded
It's gonna be a while before dey all dead.


Not really Wolf
Ya just gotta trust me
In five seconds I can have dem eaten
And we can go home before ya get beaten
Den we get busy
Gettin high
In troll city.


Man Patrixx yo saved mah ass now
You took half da admin force down
But now things gonna get crazy
Here in troll city.


Fuck da admins
Let's get high man
Come spark up a j wit me in da Patrixxx cave
Cause now we rich cause of dem raps we gave.


Yeah man we fuckin invincible
Dey never gonna stop us
We too gangsta for dem asses.


Naw man you ain't unstoppable
Ya better lie low
Cause if you fall outta line you is fucked
But I'm a god here so they can't make me go.


Yeah das right.


Man but I'm gonna watch you everyday
All day
Except payday
Yeah ...